There are 3 main types of electricity meters:
Analogue meters are the oldest style of electricity meter that have been used since the early 1900s. They consist of a small motor and feature either a cyclometer display or dial display that ticks upward as electricity is used. These meters must be manually read by a meter reader every quarter. The readings are recorded and sent back to the energy provider by the meter reader. You can see a few examples of analogue meters below:
Digital interval meters
Digital interval meters are more advanced than analogue meters. They automatically take readings in intervals and send these readings back to the provider, so there’s no need for a meter reader to come by. These meters have no mechanical parts and feature a digital display. Below is an example of a digital interval meter:
Smart meters are a specific type of digital meter that are replacing all of the older meters across Australia. These meters are fully digital and are the only type of meter that is compatible with solar feed-in tariffs. Smart meters record and send your electricity usage information to your provider at least once every thirty minutes, so there will be more detailed information available about your home’s energy imports and exports. Unlike the older style meters, smart meters don’t display the energy usage on the meter itself, so you have to go through your energy retailer or a third party monitoring device to access this detailed information. Below is an example of a smart meter:
Tip: If you have solar installed than you will have either a digital or smart electricity meter
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